Our Friend Tony D (foreplease)

Started by Mrdj2u, November 06, 2024, 07:36:48 AM

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Hello all...

My name is Jim and I poke my head in here for a quick note, not as a pizza maker, but as a messenger of sorts for a mutual friend of ours.  You knew him here as @foreplease.  Many of you have already know that Tony lost his 6 year battle with Multiple Myeloma on October 29, 2024.

I just wanted to say how touching it was to see the posts about him and his fight.  

Tony shared MANY pizza pix with me over the years. Most originating from this forum and sent at 3am.  ;)  Subjects like: "Look at this pizza!", "some guy in St Louis posted this in the forum" or "Here's some Detroit style...I got this figured out " or "working on duplicating this beauty with the kids tonight".   The quest for a great pizza was a journey he loved.

He mentioned how PizzaMaking.com was "one of the last civil corners of the internet".  He really enjoyed this Group (11,000+ posts).   Tony was a life long learner, as well as a thoughtful teacher, always happy to share his knowledge to any who asked.  If you ever met or spent time chatting about a subject of shared interest with Tony, you almost certainly got more than you expected.   

As I read through the comments here, he was described as, among other terms,  kind, generous, brave, honest, supportive, positive and humble.  The fact that most of you only knew him through this online venue, speaks volumes about his impact.  As someone who talked with him, almost daily over 3 decades, these adjectives are 100% spot on.  He was exactly THAT man through and through. 

If you made the trip for the Service/Celebration of Tony's life this past week, thank you.  We were very moved by those who traveled great distances to be there.  The more likley scenario is that you didn't hear the  stories and shared memories of Tony as we sat along the banks of the St Joseph River.  Please know the family was comforted by your prayers and all the positive vibes sent their way.  

He was, as it was said, "One of Kind".

Make and share some meatballs with family or friends. Help a neighbor.  Bake some bread.  Crank up The Rolling Stones.

That would make Tony smile.  

Jim M.


Thanks for the post Jim. Great to hear from one of Tony's friends.

"We make great pizza, with sourdough when we can, baker's yeast when we must, but always great pizza."  
Craig's Neapolitan Garage

Jon in Albany

It's very kind of you to stop by and share this, Jim. Tony will definitely be missed here.

scott r

Even though I never met Tony in person, our personal messages back and forth made me feel like he was an old friend that I had been close to for decades.  How are you that you actually got to experience that!  It's very rare to meet someone in any form and feel that kind of connection.  I am now realizing what a shame it is that the two of us were never face to face. 


Thank you, Jim. Tony was very special to us here. Such a kind, decent and interesting man, his personality and generosity shone through very brightly. 
One of the many great things about this forum is that it embodies such a vast array of knowledge, and so people spend many hours poring back through posts from years or even decades ago. Which means that Tony will continue to shine on, and if anything then maybe more brightly still when see see a comment from foreplease.

Our very best to you and his family.
Rob 🐸
Pizza Nevo 16" gas oven (Ooni Koda clone)



Thanks for the feedback Jim.
He was definitely one of nature's gentlemen.
It is indeed a measure of the man that, despite living on the other side of the planet and never meeting in person, I considered him a friend.
He spoke very highly of his wife (Linda?).
I do hope she is bearing up OK.



thank you for the post jim.  i hope that you, along with his entire family are holding up okay.


I am just seeing this. I am crying real tears for a friend and true gentleman. My condolences to you and his family. 
Will F.
Will Falzon
The Brooklyn Maltese