Dangerous Brick Cheese Resource Thread

Started by Dangerous Salumi, November 27, 2017, 08:57:24 AM

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Dangerous Salumi

Have a Dangerous day!

"They say that competitive eating is the battleground upon which God and Lucifer wage war for mens souls my friends, and they are right."  - George Shea, Chairman, Major League Eating

Dangerous Salumi

Have a Dangerous day!

"They say that competitive eating is the battleground upon which God and Lucifer wage war for mens souls my friends, and they are right."  - George Shea, Chairman, Major League Eating

Dangerous Salumi

Have a Dangerous day!

"They say that competitive eating is the battleground upon which God and Lucifer wage war for mens souls my friends, and they are right."  - George Shea, Chairman, Major League Eating


Dangerous Salumi

Quote from: skipreid45 on January 31, 2018, 03:28:25 PM
Any particular ones you recommend?

Depends upon how much you would like to spend.
Claims to be 2nd place champion
Impressive credentials


Others are cheaper than others and not everyone of them makes their own cheese. Just give them a call before you order

Have a Dangerous day!

"They say that competitive eating is the battleground upon which God and Lucifer wage war for mens souls my friends, and they are right."  - George Shea, Chairman, Major League Eating



Thanks. I had already bookmarked your top 2 recommendations. Looks like I chose wisely.

Dangerous Salumi

Using this Brick in the Detroit pizza I recently made reminded me of the pizzas I had so long ago on the east side of Detroit.
Mandi Foods sent it out promptly and it was well packaged.
Have a Dangerous day!

"They say that competitive eating is the battleground upon which God and Lucifer wage war for mens souls my friends, and they are right."  - George Shea, Chairman, Major League Eating


I see you have Naisonville Dairy on the list https://nasonvilledairy.com/product/mild-brick-cheese/  which I drive by a few times a year. They sell Fresh Cheese curds by the LB for $3.25. They are the absolute best and must be eaten fresh and still warm. You will need ear plugs because they are so damn squeeky. I usually buy 10-20lbs every time for family and co workers.

I also purchased their "Pizza Cheese" and it's great. Made this last week and it melted beautifully. I am trying the mozzerella cheese from there this weekend and will report back.

Dangerous Salumi

I have tried this recently and it is very good. I have found that you can reduce the amount of cheese on your Detroit's since this brand seems to be more rich and creamy.
As is customary when using Brick and making Detroit's it's best to cube the cheese.
You will have to go through a distributor to get it. It will come up for sale in a Google search.

Have a Dangerous day!

"They say that competitive eating is the battleground upon which God and Lucifer wage war for mens souls my friends, and they are right."  - George Shea, Chairman, Major League Eating


I just ordered 3lbs of Brick Cheese from Lynn Dairy that is on the list. They seem to offer the best value once you include shipping to the east coast. I will report back as to the flavor. Its my first brick cheese so I have no reference. There is an organic market about an hour away that has the more well known Widmer Brick Cheese. I will make the trip soon and report back with a comparison.  Thanks DS for compiling all the different cheese vendors. 


Dangerous Salumi

Quote from: Blackcoffee on February 28, 2020, 04:55:06 PM
I just ordered 3lbs of Brick Cheese from Lynn Dairy that is on the list. They seem to offer the best value once you include shipping to the east coast. I will report back as to the flavor. Its my first brick cheese so I have no reference. There is an organic market about an hour away that has the more well known Widmer Brick Cheese. I will make the trip soon and report back with a comparison.  Thanks DS for compiling all the different cheese vendors.

You're welcome
Have a Dangerous day!

"They say that competitive eating is the battleground upon which God and Lucifer wage war for mens souls my friends, and they are right."  - George Shea, Chairman, Major League Eating

Dangerous Salumi

Quote from: Dangerous Salumi on February 28, 2020, 04:15:27 PM
I have tried this recently and it is very good. I have found that you can reduce the amount of cheese on your Detroit's since this brand seems to be more rich and creamy.
As is customary when using Brick and making Detroit's it's best to cube the cheese.
You will have to go through a distributor to get it. It will come up for sale in a Google search.


This is available in Dallas now by the case. IMHO its the best Brick cheese you can buy.
Have a Dangerous day!

"They say that competitive eating is the battleground upon which God and Lucifer wage war for mens souls my friends, and they are right."  - George Shea, Chairman, Major League Eating

Dangerous Salumi

Bump for people asking for Brick cheese sources
Have a Dangerous day!

"They say that competitive eating is the battleground upon which God and Lucifer wage war for mens souls my friends, and they are right."  - George Shea, Chairman, Major League Eating


FWIW, one of my local Grocery Outlets (here in NorCal) has very randomly been carrying 8oz blocks of the Buholzer stuff, so it's a spot to keep an eye on for sure. They tend to get some random/obscure cheeses here and there and the prices are always very good when they do.

I can confirm that the Buholzer brick is good stuff, too (although it's my only experience with brick cheese).

Dangerous Salumi

Quote from: Blang1 on March 27, 2024, 07:57:19 PM
FWIW, one of my local Grocery Outlets (here in NorCal) has very randomly been carrying 8oz blocks of the Buholzer stuff, so it's a spot to keep an eye on for sure. They tend to get some random/obscure cheeses here and there and the prices are always very good when they do.

I can confirm that the Buholzer brick is good stuff, too (although it's my only experience with brick cheese).

Buholzer has won a bunch of awards. I have no affiliation with them.
I will say that our Detroits are the best we have made with Buholzer Brick. The Brick cheese they make really makes a great Detroit. The other Bricks we have tried are much better than the substitute non-Brick cheeses but once again Detroits need Brick.
Have a Dangerous day!

"They say that competitive eating is the battleground upon which God and Lucifer wage war for mens souls my friends, and they are right."  - George Shea, Chairman, Major League Eating


Timpanogos Slim

All i can add is that the local high-end grocer is charging $15/lb for Widmer's now, and when i went to order some more direct from Widmer's the shipping was almost as much as the cheese. If i remember right i did some quick math and it came out to over $17/lb to get a loaf to my door. 

So i bought the same cheese from wisconsincheesemart at about the same price (for the cheese) with $10 flat rate shipping.

Might try another brand when i run out of this stuff.
There are many kinds of pizza, and *Most of them can be really good.
- Eric


Quote from: Dangerous Salumi on March 27, 2024, 10:10:11 PM
Buholzer has won a bunch of awards. I have no affiliation with them.
I will say that our Detroits are the best we have made with Buholzer Brick. The Brick cheese they make really makes a great Detroit. The other Bricks we have tried are much better than the substitute non-Brick cheeses but once again Detroits need Brick.

Nice. I'll definitely pick up some more if they still have any.

I've only made one all-Brick Detroit with it and I could definitely tell a significant difference vs an all-mozz version (and I very much preferred the all-Brick). I haven't tried any of the "Brick-like" blends people have thrown around.

I'd love to get ahold of some of their Meunster some time. I got some obscure (forgot the brand) Muenster at GO that was referred to as "Marbled Muenster" (the whole thing was orange rather than having a noticeable orange edge). It was really interesting and extremely tasty stuff.

Availability aside, it seems silly that you don't see people throwing Brick on other pizzas. It seems like one of those things where people are like "oh, that's for Detroit style" and don't consider putting it in their Mozz etc. blends. But, maybe it's mostly an availability thing.

I'd love to try a PSMozz, Brick, Aged Provolone blend on a pizza sometime.


I have been getting Widmers brick from here. $50 order and free shipping. Packed nicely, never had any issues.


Best.. Steve


Please excuse the caps, as this is off cell phone and I have problems with the little screen.

Buholzer Brothers Brick WISCONSIN [8% FAT]
Avg. 0.75 lb ea @ $8.99 lb
$6.74 ea


RANDALL'S CHAMPION FOREST  5219 FM 1960 W, [OR] 12850 Memorial Dr [NO PRICE]


In the past, they have had two different brick cheeses at central market. One of them is pretty rank.
"We make great pizza, with sourdough when we can, baker's yeast when we must, but always great pizza."  
Craig's Neapolitan Garage