Mountain Mike's Style

Started by MisterPKM, April 08, 2018, 02:29:04 PM

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Lydia!  So nice to "see" you on the forum again.

Thanks for posting these. Similar to the RoundTable pizza crust, correct?

Let them eat pizza.


Quote from: Mad_Ernie on April 16, 2024, 08:13:38 AM
Lydia!  So nice to "see" you on the forum again.

To a forum member since 2005, likewise ;D



So, I would love to try Lydias MM recipe, but I was having a little trouble making sense of the numbers she gave. would anyone be able to help clarify them for me? Is it supposed to be 84% water (which seems high)?  Thanks!


As a follow up, here is what I would guess the recipe to be in percents.
100 flour
85 water
5.5 crisco
1.5 salt
2.5 dry milk
2 sugar
2.5 yeast



Quote from: runin2dson on April 29, 2024, 12:54:10 PM
So, I would love to try Lydias MM recipe, but I was having a little trouble making sense of the numbers she gave. would anyone be able to help clarify them for me? Is it supposed to be 84% water (which seems high)?  Thanks!

Hopefully Lydia will chime in, but the only way her ingredients make sense to me is if she listed the flour in pounds and the rest of the ingredients in ounces.  I don't know what "popcorn salt" is.


Timpanogos Slim

Quote from: gcpizza on April 29, 2024, 08:15:19 PM
Hopefully Lydia will chime in, but the only way her ingredients make sense to me is if she listed the flour in pounds and the rest of the ingredients in ounces.  I don't know what "popcorn salt" is.

"popcorn salt" would usually refer to an extra fine salt. Probably not a big deal.

Though some have fooled around with using flavacol.
There are many kinds of pizza, and *Most of them can be really good.
- Eric


Thanks for the help, I will give it a try!


Quote from: gcpizza on April 29, 2024, 08:15:19 PM
Hopefully Lydia will chime in, but the only way her ingredients make sense to me is if she listed the flour in pounds and the rest of the ingredients in ounces.  I don't know what "popcorn salt" is.
Those ratios look right to me.  I think you got it gcpizza.


Let them eat pizza.


I've never had Mountain Mike's pizza, but what I question most about this recipe is the amount of dough being used for a 14" pizza. The dough loading is 0.1686 oz/in^2 (TF) which, to me, seems like way too much.


ME and Peter!! 😃
Thanks for the warm welcome back!!😊😊😊
gawd...i really missed being here!
👋Hi gpc!
👋Hi Josh
I dont think we've met before. Nice to met you! 😀
Good call! you are correct, pounds for flour then ounces for the rest.

i did this soo long ago, around 2007 and i was just transitioning to using weghts. so i appologize about the inconsistency.
Quote from: gcpizza on May 02, 2024, 09:49:37 AM
I've never had Mountain Mike's pizza, but what I question most about this recipe is the amount of dough being used for a 14" pizza. The dough loading is 0.1686 oz/in^2 (TF) which, to me, seems like way too much.

There's a "good chance" that you are correct here also. At that time i had a make board with outlines for pie pastry and might have rolled it to 14" line forgetting to add the 1.5 to 2" that outline had included. but not for sure though.
After a lengthy duscussion with the manager, we realized the resturants thickness factor and loading weights aren't equal across the sizes. The smaller the diameter, the thicker the crust and higher loading factor. Mountain Mike's Mountain-Sized Pizza: 20"" in size 20 slices 200+ pepperonis.
The popcorn salt was the now discontinued, Diamond Crystal Popcorn & Nut salt, which was a superfine "flour salt" not the yellow stuff 😁. It just disperses more evenly when mixing dry ingredients.

i would just use regular table salt by weight. the salt amount wasn't dialed in to control fermentation, so lets just call it variable for

The shortening was the full transfat cotton seed version.

Consummer brands of flour have the malt flour removed and enzynes added. This time, I feel this is going to make a "better clone".

i also feel that the Fleschmans Pizza yeast would be great to use here. but no worries, its rollable wirh IDY.
My dough comes out like "dough brains" It comes out a touch tacky, scrappy as heck but not overmixed. (The resturant dough is cohesive and believe they use Montana Mills)

i did dock the dough with the metal pin type docker (like Round Table's). The resturants dock heavily.
i was using a corderite stone in a oven with a convection fan that could be turned on and off, at will. It was also a smaller cavity wall-mount, so pizzas cooked better than a standard oven. Not anywhere as good as modern convection though. (I'm in love with my Instatpot oven for these Westcoast style pizzas.)🎉

The resturants have either stone deck or conveyer convection and i haven't noticed much difference between the two.

The dough is not laminated at all, but the texture still similar to Round Table but with a thicker crust, a touch more dense and slightly more chew, but i wouldn't call it chewy. 8)  The MM pizzas require a heavy pizza rocker and a lot of force to get through the bottom crust, and so did my version.

bottom crust, theirs and mine, are very white with some brown freckles (resturant pix 1)

sauce painted "to the edge". (pix 2)

The roundest knight at King Arthur's round table was Sir Cumference.They say he acquired his size from eating too much pi.



reposted pics

hope it works this time.
The roundest knight at King Arthur's round table was Sir Cumference.They say he acquired his size from eating too much pi.


Thanks for the further clarification, Lydia. As I previously mentioned, I've never had Mountain Mike's pizza so I'm not really a good determiner of the proper amount of dough for this pizza.

You weren't being poetic saying the sauce is painted to the edge. That's an actual brush spreading the sauce.🙂


Quote from: gcpizza on May 04, 2024, 12:06:43 PM
You weren't being poetic saying the sauce is painted to the edge. That's an actual brush spreading the sauce.🙂

😄 Nope....the painbrush thing is very common on Old Skool West Coast but not exclusive, of course. 😄
The roundest knight at King Arthur's round table was Sir Cumference.They say he acquired his size from eating too much pi.


The paint brush technique actually is not exclusive to Mountain Mike's (or Roundtable). Other chains that have similar doughs have also used that method. Happy Joe's comes to mind. I would not be surprised if Shakey's used a similar method in their restaurants back in the day. It works better for sauces that use more tomato paste in the recipe as opposed to a thin sauce.

For the popcorn salt, I would recommend replacing with fine sea salt, just not Kosher salt (crystals are too large).

Let them eat pizza.


Hate to be a party pooper but has anyone seen a paint brush that is food safe and doesn't lose hairs while being used?


"All styles of pizza are valid. I make the best I'm capable of; you should make the best you're capable of. I don't want to make somebody else's pizza." ~ Chris Bianco



Quote from: Essen1 on May 08, 2024, 01:18:24 PM
Hate to be a party pooper but has anyone seen a paint brush that is food safe and doesn't lose hairs while being used?

There's all kinds on Amazon. They're generally called basting brushes or pastry brushes.


Quote from: Essen1 on May 08, 2024, 01:18:24 PM
Hate to be a party pooper but has anyone seen a paint brush that is food safe and doesn't lose hairs while being used?

I am thinking a non-silicone basting brush would work, however, the width is smaller than a paint brush.
Let them eat pizza.


Quote from: Essen1 on May 08, 2024, 01:18:24 PM
Hate to be a party pooper but has anyone seen a paint brush that is food safe and doesn't lose hairs while being used?

the one used by MM is from Carlisle

i use the one attached here, its goes by serveral brand names, unfortunately.

stay away from walmart type brushes such as "good cook" brand.
The roundest knight at King Arthur's round table was Sir Cumference.They say he acquired his size from eating too much pi.


Such a wealth of info Lydia ! So nice to see you around still. More pizza less moving around okay?


DAN!!!! 😃
Quote from: DNA Dan on July 30, 2024, 11:08:31 PMSuch a wealth of info Lydia ! So nice to see you around still. More pizza less moving around okay?
Thanks for the kudos, i definately can use them.
No sh*t! 😂 im offically "done" moving. 
We finally bought our dream home, a just 2 years later my husband passed and i lost it to the bank. (I bought a smaller place.) So for the last 5 years I've been in serious survival mode but things are finally no longer stagnant. Thank goodness. 

The roundest knight at King Arthur's round table was Sir Cumference.They say he acquired his size from eating too much pi.