My second Detroit style pizza - using a real Detroit style pan

Started by Papa T, February 14, 2021, 04:52:04 AM

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Papa T

My first Detroit pizza post ( landed well and was tasty, but it didn't have that signature Detroit look or the caramelized cheese rim, because my cake pan wasn't going to allow that. So, I ordered a LloydPans 10x14 hard-anodized aluminum Detroit style pan, and the outcome is in the photos. It wasn't cheap, but it was worth it.

I changed the dough weight a bit by adding more KABF, and took the hydration to about 75%, so the total dough weight was in the 545 gram range. The method of dough prep and mixing was the same as my earlier post. I will keep the hydration at this level in the future. More water helps with lighter crust.

I mixed this no-knead dough well for about three minutes in a bowl with a silicone spatula, since the dough doesn't stick to it. Then I cover it for a long rise on the kitchen counter. This long rise lets the rising from yeast create the gluten. I used a bit higher hydration for this v2.0 batch, since I add flour to the board, and to the top the dough with a bit of flour when turned out of the bowl. This allows me to work it into a rough rectangle without too much issue. The key is to work it fast and keep the hands moving, and use just a bit of flour above and below. This is a very sticky and wet dough. With about 30 seconds worth of Chuck Norris style hand moves, I can shape it into a rough rectangle and plop it into the pan and get little if any dough on my hands. I figure that the hydration drops a percent or two from the added flour on the board and top of the dough, which is why I've decided to stick with 75% hydration.

I let this one rise about 12 hours, then removed the cover, punched down quickly, and did five routines of pull, fold, and turn the bowl. I then re-covered it and let it rise again. This second rise also helps to increase gluten. If I were to want this dough a few hours after mixing, I'd would have to knead it for about 10 minutes to create the gluten. However, this method lets the yeast to all the heavy lifting, if you have the time. It also adds a nice touch of flavor to the dough with the long, room temperature slow rise. The dough doubled again in about two hours, but I let is set covered for about three hours, because I wasn't ready to bake yet. In total, the dough sat around about 15 hours getting all happy.

I turned the dough out on a decently floured board, and shaped it into a rough rectangle, and plopped it into the reasonably oiled 10x14 pan, and let it set covered for 30 minutes. I then stretched again in the pan, covered it, and let it set about 15 minutes. Then I did one last stretch in the pan, and covered it for about 15 minutes. Then I topped it and put the pan on a pizza stone in the oven that had been preheating for about one hour at 525F. I used the bottom rack. I checked it at five minutes to see if there were any bubble issues. I then rotated it 180 degrees at about 8 minutes, and removed from the oven at 15 minutes. I immediately removed the pizza from the pan onto a cooling rack, using an offset spatula to separate the cheese from the sidewalls, and then slid it out with a large griddle spatula onto a rack to cool. I let it sit about five minutes before cutting.

I cannot get brick cheese my my small town, and don't want to order large amounts online, so I used six deli size slices of store brand low moisture part skim mozzarella slices evenly spaced on the dough, then used two more slices roughly torn into strips to fill in egregious gaps. I then used four slices of muenster cheese, also torn into strips, to line the entire perimeter of the dough with them, and ensuring that the strips were on the dough rim, and also touching the pan sidewall all around. I then sprinkled over the top four ounces of low moisture part skim mozzarella that I shredded from a block. All total, there was about 12 ounces of cheese used. A sprinkling of dried oregano and typical spaghetti parm cheese (the green jar stuff) was applied, and into the oven. I will try other cheese blends and combos, and sauces in the future, but the dough recipe will remain the same. This was mostly a test run to see how the pan performed.

Toppings were ordinary bulk sausage chunks. I also put ordinary pepperoni slices on what would be three slices of pizza when cut, since the other taster does not like the roni. The sauce was canned (Dei Fratelli pizza sauce is my goto when I'm lazy), and used 7-8 ounces. Assembly order was cheese, toppings, sauce. My taster this time had never had Detroit style pizza before, and when tried, said it was the best "thick" pizza they had ever had. I was happy, also.

This pizza will likely be a party pleaser. So much so I think, that I ordered a second LloydPans 10x14 pan so I can make two at a time. Detroit pizza is effortless to make using the no-knead method, and is very forgiving, but that LloydPans 10x14 is really needed do the job right. So far, I had four taste testers that all loved it between the two versions I've made so far. I'll stick with this one. What is there not to love about that cheese crust rim and a crispy crust bottom? It will be party time at my place soon.

Dough recipe:
KABF 306 grams
Water 229 grams, room temp
Salt 3 grams
Oil 3 grams
Sugar 5 grams
IDY about 1.5 grams

The sugar and oil are optional. I add them to help the bottom crust brown a bit better.
Instagram: lightfuzer

It's amazing how many friends you never knew you had when they discover that you make good pizza.


Superb!  Looks great.  well done!

Some possible suggestions for your consideration.
I like putting the meat toppings on last  - you buried some under the sauce.  Leaving them on top allows for more browned/burnt meat goodness.
I like throwing down some fresh chopped garlic in oil on top of the dough, prior to adding the toppings.  Otherwise, Detroit pies can be a bit lacking on flavor depth IMO.
I prefer mostly Muenster cheese (Brick is hard to find here too).  I made a test pie primary with Mozzarella and it browned alot more and gave a different flavor in the end (more like a grandmas pie).  Muenster is gooier without getting overly browned. 
Pepperoni is so flipping good.  Have done sausage before and it is also great but Pepperoni is the clear winner.   Simple seems to work best for this type of pizza.


You have really taken a shine to Detroit style. Your pizzas and write-ups are good.unless you have an aversion to it, I'd suggest at least doubling your salt. Currently, you are <1%, which is very low.

Before you get too many posts of your pizzas under your belt, you should consider posting all of your DS in one thread (started by you). It will be easier for you , and others, to follow your progress and become familiar with what you have tried, and things you still want to accomplish.
Rest In Peace - October 2024


Nice job.


Looks fantastic...I used Mozzarella and blended Monterey Jack...close as I can get to brick. The muenster will give the cheese a buttery flavor.