Pizza Hut and other forums

Started by eskdrumr, January 15, 2024, 01:42:01 PM

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I was a huge PH fan until about 1995. Originally back in the 70's Pizza Hut had a modest menu with very basic ingredients. Sauce wasn't over spiced and IMHO was better cause it let the tomato taste come out. (must have been a variety of crush tomatos with salt and pepper.) They had Italian as well as pork sausage. Don't know if they were fresh back then or some poodle poop pre-cooked stuff but it was tasty. Personal pan pizzas were the bomb and were delicious in th 80's. Very reasonably priced. In the late 80's and early 90's, they came up with a "Thick and chewey" and "Thin and crispy" choice pizza. The sauce was different than their regular sauce.  I used to order a thin crust pizza with "thick and chewy" sauce and it was awesome. /still it wasn't overly spiced or salted but rather a thicker version of their original sauce. The "all you can eat" lunches were great and always had a wait line. Too bad that every time a corpo comes into the picture, they totally destroy any quality that had existed in the past. I live in the Fox Valley in Wisconsin, and we are the frozen pizza as well as pizza cheese capital of the world. Nestles bought out Kraft, who bought out the original pizza gurus who crafted local pizzas in our area. Tombstone Pizza was created in a bar in Medford, Wi across from a Cemetary. At the time when he started selling them frozen to the local stores, they were incredible pizzas. Jack's Pizza was created in the little village of Little Chute. The original owner lives, now, in a 10,000+ sq ft mansion in Kaukauna looking over the Fox River. When they were selling locally, They were the absolute best frozen pizzas around. Orv's Pizza from Five Star (Corpo) Pizza, took over a humble fresh pizza maker in Appleton, WI and destroyed the pizza. You could count the number of Mozz pieces on the pizza. In it's heyday, Orv's Pizza had a solid clientele  and developed an auto sausage machine that squeezed the exact amount of "freshly made sausage" onto the pizza. You could purchase them at the brick and mortar either fresh or frozen, or could buy a custom pizza. We actually still have awesome pizza around here with small shops that take pride in their product. A little more pricey but well worth the money. Sad to see the state of Pizza since the Corpos took over. Make sure that you visit the real pizza makers, struggling to keep above water, and cherish what you have right now because as time goes by the big corpos will snuff them out with low prices and poor-quality inedible pies..