Tony's Poolish & Tiga Recipe's not producing the proper weight starter??

Started by pizzainthe6ix, July 22, 2018, 01:21:08 PM

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I followed the recipe of Tony's Poolish and Tiga starter, which were supposed to yield 90oz of starter and I ended up around 70-75oz for some reason

Why could this be happening?  What impact on my finished product would I get by using 20oz less?



Sorry,  i am not familiar with Tony's approach.  Are you measuring weight or volume - fluid ounces?  If you are measuring volume, the  volume of the starter will vary as it matures.  If you are measuring weight, there is a problem somewhere with either the formula you used, or the amounts you put in.  If for example, you took 30 oz of starter ( by weight ) and added 30 ounces of flour, and 30 ounces of water, and weigh the mix - it will weigh 90 ounces - you can come back a few hours, a few days, or even a few weeks later, and it will still weigh 90 ounces if it was covered ( if not , it will lose a little to evaporation) and regardless of where it is the stage of maturation. 

If you added too little of one or more of the ingredients,  the pizza should still work, though the timing will be off.  If you are way off on hydration, say you added 20 ounces of water and were supposed to add 40, you can add the extra 20 when it comes time to make the final dough, and you should be okay, though the development of the starter will be slower because it is drier, and the flavor profile may be more sour. 
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