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General Pizza Making / Re: Robenco15 Tries to Pizza
Last post by Robenco15 - Today at 12:38:04 AM
Dough was much better. Having issues with evenly baking the pizza in the Arc XL though. Mostly too hot. I think I'm going to cut the oil and sugar from the recipe and take it from there.

You think bringing the salt down from 3% to 2.5% makes sense here given I'm eliminating 2.5% of ingredients? I think so.

Going to try to launch closer to 640F and do a little bit longer bake. Funny how it takes 3.5 minutes to bake in my home oven, but with the Arc it's going to take 4-5 minutes. Makes sense though.

Oh yeah, bagels today were incredible. 
Pizza Cheese / Re: Grande shredded vs diced
Last post by mschoonmaker - Yesterday at 11:40:28 PM
Good point! I never considered that!
Pizza Cheese / Re: Grande shredded vs diced
Last post by waltertore - Yesterday at 11:20:21 PM
both work great but the diced can be a hassle if you launch pies with toppings as the act like little ball bearings and you know what that can do to the toppings :-D
General Pizza Making / Re: Post a Pic of Your Pie - D...
Last post by Ischia - Yesterday at 10:59:51 PM
Detroit pan pizza, 8x10", organic Ischia levained dough. Ezzo pepperonis, Galbani WMLM cheese, Pecorino Romano, Pizzaiolo sauce.
Pizza Cheese / Grande shredded vs diced
Last post by mschoonmaker - Yesterday at 09:21:29 PM
So I buy my Grande (East Coast Blend) from GFS. 

For those who have tested, what are the pros/cons of shredded vs diced?

Even when I buy one 5lb bag, I need to divide/freeze smaller portions. I've noticed that thawing the diced cheese is much easier than thawing shredded. Maybe just my experience (or lack thereof).

Can anyone weigh in with their shredded vs diced experience and opinions?

New York Style / Re: 7 minute New York bake
Last post by DDT - Yesterday at 08:57:09 PM
Quote from: Pizzaman106 on Yesterday at 03:09:04 PMAnother successful pop-up under my belt. I was sold out and fully booked with preorders in under 10 minutes. 40 17 inch pies. All the dough was fermented at a room temp (65 F) for 30 hours. Thank you again for the members on here who helped me grow. Especially @TXCraig1 and @Jackie Tran .
Great job!! Your pizzas look awesome.
Pizzeria & Restaurant Reviews / Re: Bro Ciro & Antonio Tutino ...
Last post by ebpizza - Yesterday at 08:51:45 PM
Has anyone else been here? Pizza looks very good. 80% hydration has got to be the highest I have heard of in Naples
Pizza Ovens / Re: Outdoor Ovens Indoors in a...
Last post by mosabrina - Yesterday at 08:23:16 PM
The question is why would you? Ooni koda 16 for 5 of them is not much cheaper than something like a zio ciro?

And I can tell you that the ooni stones will overheat if you are not careful. They work perfectly great for backyard use but that's about it
Cracker Style / Re: Pizza Hut 1970s Thin 'n Cr...
Last post by Chicago Bob - Yesterday at 08:22:05 PM
Quote from: gcpizza on January 12, 2025, 08:43:31 PMDid you just make this or just see this. It's from 2020.
I had just seen it and I thought it was beautiful that's all, thanks
Pizza Toppings / Re: Which herb to sprinkle on ...
Last post by Chicago Bob - Yesterday at 07:45:55 PM
Greek oregano..... :chef: